# Story Features

# Genre

A tags input in your story's Edit Window with a convenient list of genres to choose from. Genre tags will appear in the Home View.

# Title (required)

A simple text input in the story's Edit Window for editing your title. The value will appear as prominent text in the Home View and is not labeled by default.

# Buttons

A grid of buttons on the Home View that link to other pages in your project. The buttons are generated based on the views in your story's template, and are not labeled by default.

# Logline

A simple text input in the story's Edit Window for adding a brief description of your main character's predicament.

# Theme

A simple text input in the story's Edit Window for adding describing the story's core message.

# Scene Slides

A thumbnail gallery on the Home View showing all scenes belonging to the Slideshow.

# Characters

As a grid of character images on the Home View listing every character in your story. The name of each character is displayed on hover, and clicking the image will open the character in the Edit Window.

# Emotions

A tags input in the story's Edit Window that can manage other emotion tags found in scenes. Enter custom emotions manually or choose from a preset list.

# Written By

A toggleable section on the Home View that displays the name, profile image, bio, and profile link of the story's owner.

# Custom

# Text Input

A custom text input in the story's Edit Window that displays its content in the Home View.

# Select Input

A custom dropdown menu in the story's Edit Window that displays its selected value in the Home View.

# Tags Input

A custom dropdown menu in the story's Edit Window that displays its selected value in the Home View.

A custom list creator in the story's Edit Window that displays a list of added links in the Home View.