# Scene Features

# Story Beat

A dropdown menu in the Edit Window for adding color coded story beats, either from a predefined list or using a custom text input. The selected value can be displayed in the Cards, Page, and Slideshow views, and will always show up in the top row of the Timeline.

# Images (required)

An editable image gallery in the Edit Window for adding images to your scenes and setting one as your Primary Image. Either the first image, or one set as Primary, will appear in the Home View (Scene Slides feature), Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.

# Heading

A special text input that allows for slugline-style formatting and autocompletion when adding a heading to your scenes. Scene headings will appear in the Home View (Scene Slides feature), Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.


Slugline formatting is only applied when using other screenplay text types in your scene's body editor.

# Body

An advanced text editor with different "types" of text to better format your content. You can customize your types by clicking Edit Formats... in the dropdown menu. Body content appears in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.

# Summary

A simple text input in the scene's Edit Window for adding a summary. The summary will display in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views and will automatically be added to a Final Draft scene summary when exporting your story to .fdx.

# Theme

A multiple choice list of in the scene's Edit Window for describing how the story's theme is addressed: Explored, Challenged, Stated, and Symbolized. The selected value will appear in the Timeline, Cards, and Page, views.

# Notes

A simple text input in the story's Edit Window for adding notes. Notes will be displayed in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views, and automatically map to a Final Draft ScriptNotes when exporting your story to .fdx.

# Scene Characters

A section with a dropdown menu in the scene's Edit Window for creating a custom list of characters for each scene. Scene characters appear in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.

# Tone -/+

A value slider in the scene's Edit Window for setting a positive or negative value. The tone value will be displayed in the Timeline view, as a bar chart spanning the story, and in the Cards and Page views, as individual colored gauges.

# Emotions

A tags input in the scene's Edit Window for adding emotion tags to each scene. The emotions will display in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views. A collective list of all scene tags can be added as a feature in the Home View as well.

# Plot Threads

A search/input field in the scene's Edit Window for searching through existing Plot Threads, creating new ones, and adding story events to them for each scene. Plot threads are shown as a track running along the Timeline view, and as stacked story events in the Cards and Page views.

# Custom

# Text Input

A custom text input in the scene's Edit Window that displays its content in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.

# Select Input

A custom dropdown menu in the scene's Edit Window that displays the selected value in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.

# Tags Input

A custom dropdown menu in the scene's Edit Window that displays the selected value in the Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.

# Range Input

A value slider in the scene's Edit Window for setting a positive or negative value, with a custom color scheme. The selected value will be displayed in the Timeline view, as a bar chart spanning the story, and in the Cards and Page views, as individual colored gauges.