# Character Features
# Character Masthead
Adds an eye-catching summary of your character's core identity to the Edit Window with separate inputs for a Headshot and Cover Image. The Headshot image will appear almost everywhere the character is referenced, including the Home View, Timeline, Cards, Page, and Slideshow views.
# Name (required)
A simple text input inside the character's Edit Window for giving your character a name. The name is usually displayed anywhere the character appears in the app, such as the Home View, Timeline, Cards, Page, Stats and Slideshow views.
# Age
A simple text input in the character's Edit Window for providing an exact or estimated age. A character's age can be displayed in the Characters and Slideshow views.
# Gender
A simple dropdown menu in the character's Edit Window for including your character's gender identity. The options are Male, Female or Non-Binary. A character's gender can be displayed in the Characters and Slideshow views.
# Race
A simple dropdown menu in the character's Edit Window for including your character's race. The options are Asian, Black, Hispanic, Latinx, Native American, Pacific Islander, White, Other or Not Specified. A character's race can be displayed in the Characters and Slideshow views.
# Archetype
A tags input in the character's Edit Window for assigning one or more archetypes. The input has a dropdown list for selecting common archetypes. A character's archetype can be displayed in the Characters and Slideshow views.
# Images (required)
An editable image gallery in the Edit Window to help convey your character's essence. The first image or one set as your Primary Image will appear in the Character Masthead.
# Custom
# Text Input
A custom text input in the character's Edit Window that displays its content in the Slideshow view.
# Select Input
A custom dropdown menu in the character's Edit Window that displays its selected value in the Characters and Slideshow views.
# Tags Input
A custom dropdown menu in the character's Edit Window that displays its selected value in the Characters and Slideshow views.