# Home

# My Stories

This is where you store and organize all of your ideas. Stories and folders are listed in the order they were created. Folders, however, are pushed to the bottom of the list. Here are some things you can do in the My Stories view:

  • Create new stories (links to Templates page)
  • Create folders
  • Drag stories in and out of folders
  • Import a screenplay as PDF or .fdx
  • Import an Open Story Format file (.osf)

You can also perform actions on individual stories:

  • Open
  • Make a copy
  • Update sharing permissions
  • Move to another folder
  • Download as
  • Delete

Here are some actions you can perform on folders:

  • Rename
  • Move
  • Update sharing permissions
  • Delete (if empty)

# Shared with Me

This section will display stories and folders you have been invited to collaborate on by other Prewrite members.

The owner of the story or folder can make you an Editor or a Viewer as they see fit, and these roles can be updated or revoked by the owner at any time.

# Edit Profile

Currently, Prewrite doesn't have a built-in network for users to meet and collaborate on story ideas, but we do offer an optional profile page for users to promote themselves and their favorite stories.

This section allows you to edit the content of your profile and make it shareable, if you choose. Please keep in mind that the Avatar, Pen Name and Background Image settings will affect your Public Profile and your private experience of the app. You can click the View Profile button in top right of the Home page header to see the changes.