# Stories
# Character
a.k.a., Personality
A person participating in the events of a story.
# Credits
A list of names and the role each played in completing a piece of work.
# Description
A brief outline of a piece of content using specific keyword terms and often added to a YouTube or Instagram post.
# Genre
A category of artistic composition, as in literature or film, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
# Images
a.k.a., Media, Featured Image
Describes the set of images you add to Stories, Scenes and Characters.
# Keywords
The specific terms a user may have searched for prior to finding a piece of related content.
# Logline
A short, roughly two-sentence synopsis of your story, describing your main character and their predicament.
When an optimistic farm boy discovers that he has powers, he teams up with other rebel fighters to liberate the galaxy from the sinister forces of the Empire.
# Plot Thread
a.k.a., Connection, Subplot, Storyline
A series of related story events, occurring over multiple scenes, to form a separate storyline.
# Scene
a.k.a., Segment
A moment in a story where something significant happens and moves things forward.
# Synopsis
a.k.a., Episode Synopsis
One or more paragraphs describing the major events of a story.
# Theme
The main message or moral of the story.
# Title
a.k.a. Episode Title, Series Title
The title of your story. Make sure it captures the appropriate tone of the story. If it doesn't directly telegraph what the story is about, it should at least generate a sense of mystery and intrigue.