# Characters

# Age

a.k.a., Age Range

The age or age range of a character.

# Archetype

Timeless character types found in a wide variety of stories.

# Biography

a.k.a., Bio, Description, Synopsis

A brief description of a character's background and personality.

# Cover Image

a.k.a., Primary Image

An image that shows up as a background graphic to help convey the character's personality.

# Defining Traits

Character attributes that are obvious to the outside world through appearance or behavior. e.g, Friendly Police Officer, or Awkward Teen.

# Gender

The gender identity of the character. Setting this helps Prewrite track your story's inclusivity.

# Headshot

a.k.a., Image, Portrait, Avatar

In a screenplay, a heading follows a specific format that describes the location and time. However, scene headings for other mediums can be used more generically.

# Ironic Traits

A character's beliefs or proclivities that contradict their outward appearance and/or behavior. e.g. A firefighter that's also an arsonist, or a Priest with a gambling problem.

# Profession

This most relevant when the character is a guest of a podcast or tv show. It refers to their job title or area of expertise.

# Problem

a.k.a. Core Problem

The predicament the main character is in. Attempting to solve it produces conflict.

# Race

The character's race. Setting this helps Prewrite monitor your story's diversity.

# Role

a.k.a., Episode Role The purpose and responsibilities a podcast participant has in an episode. e.g. Host, Co-host.

# Want

a.k.a., Goal

Something your character wants that motivates and drives the story.

# Need

Something missing from the character's life on a deeper level. The story is how they find it.